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Beginning in 2013, a small number of leaders in various parts of the All Nations family have met occasionally but regularly as Theology Forum. Our aim is to serve those who lead and preach by exploring and articulating the underlying theology of All Nations.  We are a diverse group of people with a heart for good theology, with varying levels of academic training. We all share the All Nations vision and values and are involved in the Movement or a connected church. Here you can find a number of papers and articles on themes relevant to what the Lord is doing amongst the All Nations family.

Our vision for the Theology Forum

To unite around Christ

It is all about Him

Theology that encourages discipleship

Obedience/discipleship not theory

Work collaboratively and in community

We read scripture in community and need one another to understand

Share and discuss freely, lovingly and gently

Valuing relationship with one another above being proved 'right'

Bridge the gap between academic theology and church life

Pursuing theology fit for the Reformation in our time
Download material and frameworks here to help you guide and lead discussions.

Introduction to Theology Forum

An introduction to the Theology Forum, the vision, mission and purpose behind this resource.

Making Disciples

Practical examples of discipleship culture and what a disciple could look like in a local church.

Apostolic Networks (Part 1)

Key messages behind the call for alignment with apostolic ministries and the foundational nature of apostles and prophets.

Apostolic Networks (Part 2)

A vision of apostolic teams made up of diverse gifts and all the Ephesians 4 ministries working together.

Home Church

How should 'church' be structured? The in-depth look into how prayer shaped the vision of Home Churches within the All Nations family.

Sin and Ecclesiology

Exploring the nature of Sin as an evil power not just an individual transgression and God’s intention to redeem His whole people from Sin.


The All Nations Movement conceives of unity, being of “one faith” as we serve one Lord and practice one baptism. This unit breaks down the importance of unity between God and us, His people.
Download material and frameworks here to help you guide and lead discussions.
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Theology Forum Podcast | Coming soon | Exclusively on Storehouse |

A resource for preachers, teachers and pastors, the Theology Forum Podcast will be based on free flow conversations breaking down various subjects such as the Eph 4:11 ministries, unity and city-wide elderships, challenges with planting new churches and many more topics. Check back soon for updates on Theology Forum Podcast release date.