Steve Uppal

The Greatest Truth

It seems we have been surrounded by the signs of Christmas for weeks, from the food and decorations in supermarkets to the adverts on our screens.With all the noise, glitz and gifts many will still miss the significance of this time of year. 

The first coming of Christ had a simple yet eternal purpose that Jesus himself summed up in these two statements:

… I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10b

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3  

He gives us his purpose in coming, to bring life and life to the full. And secondly he describes eternal life as knowing God. This is a staggering, mind blowing truth, humans can know God and that God wants us to know him. He made the very first step toward us and made reconciliation with himself possible. Whether you have walked with Christ a few days or many years the invitation to grow in relationship with him is still the greatest of all truths and perhaps the one most neglected by us all. We are too easily satisfied by lesser things. 

My prayer for you is that this Christmas time, Christ will be more real and near than you have ever known. His desire has not changed, his purpose has not diminished. You can know God and he wants you to come near. 

- Steve Uppal
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