Steve Uppal

The end of a year … looking forward to the new

The end of a year … 

The last month of the calendar year is a good time to look back and as I do I am very grateful to God for all He has been doing.

In 2022 we have seen the Movement start to take shape as a relational family of churches, and of a small number of apostolic networks. The Holy Spirit has been leading and making the relationships: the Spirit is the very best planner in the world!

During the year we have been able to run Fuel the Fire events in several locations, in partnership with local churches rather than imposing ourselves in their town or city. These have been precious two day events: the first is a day of prayer and fasting with local leaders, praying for the region or city and ending with a shared meal; then the following day a day time wider gathering of leaders with an evening celebration aiming to live up to the name Firestarters.

The Turn Nations conference in October was a great family celebration as well as an opportunity for hearing God’s “Now Words” and ministry times. We were able to launch the Revival Ready book at the conference, which we wrote jointly to inspire the church to be …. Revival Ready!

In order for leaders across the UK, USA and some other locations to stay connected with the All Nations family we have been meeting online in “huddles” (small groups) so that relationships can develop as leaders in different contexts pray for one another and share their triumphs and struggles. We are hopeful that this will develop in the coming year.

Looking forward to the new …

This season starting the fourth Sunday before Christmas is known as Advent in churches that observe the liturgical year, including Anglican and Methodist churches. It is a season of waiting for the celebration of Jesus’ first coming and of preparation for His Second Coming - we want to be ready and serving to the best we can when the Bridegroom returns to take His Bride!

Waiting is natural. A mother waits nine months for a child to be born. Mary waited after the strange encounter with an angel to see what would happen. Then, as she knew she was pregnant and had to explain it to her intending husband, she waited for the birth and to see what might happen to such a unique boy.

Pregnancy is not a time of anxiously wishing the time away and longing for the baby to be born prematurely. It is a time of preparation and anticipation. It is a time of hope and maybe fears too.

This season of Advent has been used for centuries as a time to wait actively, to prepare for Jesus’ coming. It is not just time to get decorations up and to buy presents. More important it is time to prepare our hearts to be ready to meet Him. To become Revival Ready.

2023 is the first of a three year season, in which we must have:
Clear Vision - The destination 
Communicable strategy - The Pathway 
Right people in right places - Alignment, structure and process
Be poised and ready - Intimacy with the Lord 
Receive divine impartation - Supernatural Assitance 

All this is in preparation towards revival and harvest.