Steve Uppal

Prepare for King Jesus

his is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’ Matthew 3:3

Preparation is essential for important events in our lives, Whether that be a new job, new relationships, moving house, starting school or the beginning of a new year. Thorough preparation leads to maximising the opportunities to their fullest. Poor preparation leads to wasted opportunities. There is nothing of greater importance and higher value than preparing our lives for the Lord himself. This is the cry of the hour! John the Baptist prepared the people for the first coming of Christ. He was a herald, a forerunner, preparing the way for the King to come. This was the purpose for which John was sent, the sole reason for which he was born. He called people to radical change and challenged them to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. They could not be God followers simply by keeping traditions and rules. Their lives should be a reflection of their commitment to and confession of God. Lip service without life change is hypocrisy. A changed life begins and is sustained through intimacy. It is time to prepare for the Lord again.

Two things are happening in our time. Firstly, the Lord is releasing forerunners, messengers and they come to prepare the way for the King. This is is not the calling of a single individual but a company of forerunners is emerging. They will be burning ones marked by holiness, humility and the fear of the Lord. Secondly, the message they carry will be personified in the way they live. The consecration of their lives is what gives their words strength, weight and authority. The priority of our focus must shift from function to friendship. Who we are becoming has a direct impact on what we do and the fruit we produce. What we do is important but it is secondary to what is happening in our hearts and who we are becoming with the Lord. May we hear the words of the Holy Spirit in this hour and prepare our lives for the coming of the King. The trumpet is sounding, may we turn our eyes, our hearts in radical devotion to the Lord.

By Steve Uppal
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