Catherine Horton

COP 27 - Let’s pray!

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Psalm 24:1-2

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change, or COP 27, 6th to 18th November, has been much in the UK news during recent weeks with headlines declaring who will go, who won’t be allowed to go, and who will go after all.

Political stances aside, the threats to life on earth already posed by climate change are of paramount importance to us all - especially to young people and children who will inherit custody of the earth, but who have had little opportunity to safeguard its condition.   

It is now common knowledge that extreme climate events occur with increasing frequency. Each brings results that cause problems of varying degrees, ranging from discomfort to severe life-threatening conditions, such as drought, famine or flooding on a vast scale.

Last year’s COP 26 in Glasgow called for nations to take new steps towards the fulfilment of the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2º Celsius, preferably 1.5º, by cutting carbon emissions. This year’s conference will reveal the progress that each nation has made towards the targets set.

In 2009 higher-income countries pledged to give $100 billion a year from 2020 to aid the regions bearing the brunt of the crisis. These pledges have not been fulfilled. Climate finance will be a key topic at the conference.

To quote the United Nations, “The climate crisis is overwhelming, scary and difficult to tackle. Difficult yes, impossible no!”

Amen! As people of God, we know indeed that nothing is impossible.  

So let’s pray……

 for further consensus between nations, for binding agreements and realistic targets;

 for the higher income countries to honour their promises of finance;

 for the church to speak out for global climate justice and to spread awareness of our shared responsibility for God’s earth;

  for all of us to be prepared to change our habits to reduce negative impact on the earth’s resources.

Almighty Father, thank you for the earth - for its grandeur and beauty, its intricate design and abundance;
We are sorry that as humanity we have failed to steward its resources with justice.
Lord Jesus, Your cross paves the way for everyone and everything to be restored to the Father,
Please fill us with Your Holy Spirit to speak out and act so that governments take notice; please challenge us to live as good and faithful stewards of the resources You have given,